Welcome to my personal website!
Since 1997, I have worked with web technologies across corporate and non-profit environments, specializing in front-end web design and development, source code programming, and digital video and audio production.
As a seasoned "Webmaster," I have honed expertise in the design, programming, and visual media aspects of web technology. Before venturing into the web industry, I briefly worked in the print sector after completing technical college. My career has been an extraordinary and fulfilling journey—a true realization of a passion-driven vision. Thank you for visiting!
Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunch.
– Tim Berners-Lee
Early Tech Days Before The Net
In late 1989, after a stint with Blue Man Group, I was introduced to the world of computers with the purchase of an Amiga 500. This ignited my enthusiasm for technology and programming, inspiring me to delve deeper into the field. After enduring countless hours staring at an hourglass icon while waiting for files to load, I saved up to purchase a then state-of-the-art Gateway 2000 with a 90MHz processor, with 16MB of RAM and a massive 1GB hard drive. A Mac 7600 followed soon after, though I’ve always gravitated toward PCs for their versatility in hardware customization and modification.
The rest, as they say, is cyber history. (Yes, a bit corny, I know.)
In addition to my work in web and media development, I enjoy a variety of creative and leisure pursuits. These include playing music, exploring photography, electronics, creating art, and diving into high-tech computer mod projects and the nostalgia of low-tech hobbies—like listening to my vinyl record collection. Some of these endeavors are included in my blog section. I’m also an avid film enthusiast, with a particular fondness for classic noir and contemporary cinema.
I believe in the importance of humor, applied appropriately, as a key part of life. While I enjoy many forms of adventure, I prefer to steer clear of high-risk activities—I’ll leave skydiving, piloting planes, and scaling Everest to those who seek such thrills.